If you are injured in an amusement park then you might be entitled to a claim under public liability in New South Wales. Public liability is the duty of care a person or company has to ensure it is safe for public use. If you had an accident at an amusement park and it wasn’t your fault, then you could claim for public liability.

Laws and legislation in New South Wales

You are able to make a public liability claim in New South Wales under the NSW Civil Liability Act 2002. In most cases, businesses that occupy a public space have public liability insurance for incidents such as amusement park accidents. This means you aren’t necessarily making a claim against the business, you are making a claim against the insurer. You are able to make a claim against the insurer if you have had an accident at the amusement park – it is sometimes wrongly assumed that if you make a claim then you are pursuing legal action against the business. This is untrue, and if you are facing financial hardship or significant inconvenience from your amusement park accident, then you have every right to make a public liability claim.

How do I start my claim in New South Wales?

In New South Wales, it is crucial that you have evidence of the incident, as this is what the lawyer will use to prove your case. They will need to prove that the person or company fault owed you a duty of care; that they breached this duty of care; as a consequence of this breach, you were injured and suffered loss. With these types of claims, try and have photographic proof, as well as keeping any receipts, bills, doctor’s records, etc., that can prove that you sustained an injury.

What is the claims process?

What’s My Claim Worth can help you start the process to get the result you need in your fight against your amusement park public liability claim. Starting this legal process can result in monetary compensation for you. 

It should be noted that this is not a necessarily easy process. If you have had negative outcomes due to your amusement park public liability claim such as physical injury, or monetary loss, then it is worth seeing if you can make a claim. Start the process today and speak to What’s My Claim Worth, to see whether your amusement park public liability case can progress. 

Why should I choose What’s My Claim Worth?

What’s My Claim Worth’s claim compensation calculator can help you to understand the value of your claim, as well as your eligibility to claim. Once confirmed, we can then put you in touch with the best legal professionals to handle your amusement park public liability claim — No Win, No Fee (excluding defendant costs if the claim is litigated).