Workplace health and safety regulations are policies that are put in place by the government to protect workers from harm at work. These can be in any industry under Australian law. These regulations are mandatory and enforced by both state and federal governments. Regulations for work health and safety change by state and territory as well as by industry. This blog will highlight if your workplace is following the work health and safety regulations, the benefits of these regulations, the requirements, and what you should do if you have a claim.

The benefits of following Workplace Health and Safety

Properly adhering to workplace health and safety policy and creating a necessary safe working environment can benefit an Australian business in a number of ways. These include:

  • Improving staff retention rates,
  • Improving productivity, 
  • Reducing injuries and illness,
  • Avoiding the costs of workers compensation.

Following regulations of workplace health and safety is an essential part of business in Australia. All business owners, managers, and leaders should take the time to understand and implement workplace health and safety standards within their business.

Employer commitments under Workplace Health and Safety

It is required by both state and federal law that an employer must provide all of the following:

  • A safe work environment,
  • Safe machinery and equipment,
  • Safe ways of working,
  • Ensure the safe use of handling and storage of machinery structures and substances,
  • Adequately maintain facilities,
  • Provide the appropriate information, training, and instruction to employees,
  • Provide the correct supervision for safety,
  • Monitor health and workplace conditions.

These considerations of workplace health and safety must be met as soon as a business is started and at no point can a business knowingly put workers health and safety at risk. 

Worker requirements under Workplace Health and Safety

Workers have obligations to both themselves and fellow workers under workplace health and safety. These are: 

  • Take care of their own health and safety,
  • Take care not to do anything that could hurt others,
  • Follow workplace health and safety instructions,
  • Follow workplace health and safety policies and procedures.

It is vital that individuals speak out if they become aware of a breach of workplace health and safety procedures within their workplace. 

Can you make a claim if you are injured at work?

Should you need to make a Workplace Health and Safety claim, there are processes to complete beforehand. All workers in Australia are covered by WorkCover; compulsory insurance. Workplaces across Australia must provide this insurance to all of their full-time, part-time and casual workers. This will protect you if you have a claim that you need to make. What’s My Claim Worth will help you through the process of your claim – click here for more information.